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Migration Shopware 5 to Shopware 6


Shopware 5
to Shopware 6 successfull migration

The Shopware 6 migration is a step that brings many advantages for your shop system and your day-to-day work. In addition, the end of Shopware 5 support is now in sight - there will only be official security updates from the manufacturer until mid-2024. A successful Shopware 6 migration now is therefore also an investment in the future.

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Optimised Shopware 6 migration from Shopware 5

Shopware offers the ideal framework for ambitious e-commerce projects. With the help of this advanced shop system, a wide variety of business ideas can be professionally realised. With Shopware 6, a revised version has been available since the beginning of 2020, which comes with numerous innovations and is constantly being further developed. As a result, you benefit from innovative features and excellent conditions for a successful online shop. But how can you successfully migrate to Shopware 6 and what aspects need to be taken into account? Below you will find answers to these key questions and important tips for practical implementation.

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Shopware migration: 5 to 6 - this change is worthwhile

Many retailers realised their first successes in e-commerce by using Shopware 5. Shopware 6 goes one step further and is characterised by an even greater range of functions. This includes more comprehensive media management for flexible online shop design. In addition, the API-first approach in Shopware 6 makes it possible to separate the backend and frontend. The extended SEO features can lead to improved rankings if used correctly and the new worlds of experience have a positive influence on usability. In direct comparison to Shopware 5, this results in various added values that make a valuable contribution to business success. You also need to decide whether you want to use Shopware 6 in a local environment or from the cloud. When using this SaaS variant, there is no need to purchase, set up and maintain your own server.

Thorough planning forms the basis for Shopware 6 migration

All considerations regarding Shopware 6 migration begin with a review of the technical framework conditions. An important note in this context: Shopware 6 is a completely new development compared to Shopware 5 and previous versions. This system is more than just a major update of the previous version, it is a completely revised platform with new technologies. The experts at signundsinn will help you with the associated planning and check that the system requirements are met. This includes the supported operating systems and the general performance of your servers.

The Shopware 6 migration process in detail

The Shopware 6 migration is based on the transfer of your individual data records. This includes, for example, content such as category texts or product descriptions and media files such as images. To this end, our qualified specialists will support you with the installation of the new system and the connection to the previous shop. This support ensures that the Shopware migration runs as smoothly as possible. As a result, you as a retailer are on the safe side and can transfer your data seamlessly. If necessary, you can specify which data records are to be migrated and which are not as part of the data selection process

Configure the system and install plugins

Following the installation, you can configure and customise Shopware 6. The most important steps here include setting the default currency and the shop's e-mail address. The configuration is finalised with additional information, including the main language for the shop and the definition of the administrator user. Plugins and themes also play an important role in the migration. Ideally, you should check at an early stage whether the extensions you are using are available for Shopware 6. If the plugin manufacturer does not offer a corresponding update, a successor with comparable functions is usually provided. The experienced signundsinn team will help you with all questions relating to the migration of plugins and themes. If there is no Shopware 6 plugin that fulfils your purpose, we are happy to offer you individual Shopware plugin development for your shop. With Elasticsearch for Shopware 6, you can also get an excellent tool for the search function in your shop on request.

Finalisation of the migration phase and final go-live

A few additional steps to finalise the Shopware migration create the perfect conditions for a successful go-live. One of the most important aspects is the termination of the issued test licences and the binding licence booking. As soon as the go-live has been initiated, the domain needs to be customised within the sales channels. Following on from this, the shop settings in the source shop should be updated to complete the migration. It is also advisable to contact the hoster in good time to adjust the domain routing. Without prior technical knowledge and experience in the area of shop migration, working with a Shopware agency is the perfect solution. We at signundsinn see ourselves as a full-service partner and will help you to achieve a smooth Shopware migration of your online shop.

Personalised advice as a success factor for Shopware migration

Migrating to a new shop system is a major challenge for online retailers. Expert advice is therefore essential for the professional and targeted implementation of your Shopware 6 migration. During the consultation at signundsinn, the most important new features such as the shopping worlds and the new design of the backend will be explained to you in an understandable way. Possible problems, such as the use of outdated themes or missing updates of used plugins, are also elementary components of the consultation even before the Shopware 6 upgrade. In direct dialogue with your Shopware agency, the associated time required and the necessary measures are discussed. You can decide flexibly which steps you want to take yourself and which tasks you want to hand over to us. The result is a customised and holistically optimised migration process, at the end of which the Shopware migration is as smooth as possible.

Final conclusion on the Shopware 6 migration

All in all, it can be said that there are numerous details to consider when migrating to Shopware 6. However, if all the tips and hints listed are taken to heart, nothing stands in the way of a successful migration. The experts at signundsinn are your competent contacts for Shopware migration and will support you throughout the entire migration process. Do you have any questions about the general process or technical details? Then don't hesitate to contact us. We are available for you both by telephone and by e-mail



Compared to Shopware 5, Shopware 6 offers numerous revised or new functions and features. Among other things, there is a completely revised, clearer backend that makes daily use easier, new tools for search engine optimization and improvements in usability for users in the frontend.
According to current statements from Shopware, there will be bug fixes and improvements from the manufacturer for Shopware 5 until summer 2023, and the aging shop system will continue to receive security updates until July 2024. After this period, an official Shopware partner will provide security updates. There will most likely be no new features after that.
Shopware has the free Community Edition in its program for the basics of e-commerce. In addition, since an update to the license model in September 2022, there are three versions of the Shopware software: Rise (€600 per month) and the variants Evolve (for ambitious online retailers) and Beyond (for large e-commerce projects). Shopware will provide the prices for Evolve and Beyond on request. Depending on the version selected, the options for B2B, customer experience planning (both Evolve) and inventory and order management (Beyond) are expanded in comparison.

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