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Shopware Agency Aachen


Shopware Agentur für Aachen

As your Shopware agency for Aachen, we take care of the development and relaunch of online shops. You know what you want to sell - we take care of the professional realisation. As a certified Shopware partner, we have been offering customised concepts for the B2B and B2C sectors for over ten years. We take your e-commerce to a level that impresses with clear communication and user-friendliness. Let us advise you - we are your Shopware agency for customised online shop creation in the Aachen region.

Contact person link image
Your contact person
Biljana Huerta Barroso
+49 (0)89 215 2710 90

What is Shopware?

The Shopware software allows the creation of online shops according to a modular system. Flexibility is always retained. Components can be added or omitted so that individual solutions can be realised for any type of e-commerce. Shopware was launched in 2003 and is used worldwide. Thanks to the continuous evolution of Shopware with its diverse interfaces, the system can be customised to any IT structure. If you need a Shopware agency in Aachen, we at signundsinn are here for you!

Warum signundsinn als Shopware Agentur?

Experience since
Shops created

Our services as a Shopware agency at a glance

  • Online shop creation: We develop an ideal concept for the presentation and marketing of your products or services based on Shopware.
  • Online shop relaunch with Shopware: We successfully convert your e-commerce to Shopware and completely redesign your existing online shop in a modern and innovative framework.
  • Linking with IT infrastructure: As experts in Shopware interfaces, we integrate your online shop into existing online systems.
  • Shopware plug-ins according to your wishes: Through plug-ins developed by us, we expand your Shopware experience for a customised online shop.
  • Service and support: As a Shopware agency for Aachen with many years of experience, we are your contact and companion on the way to your Shopware-based online shop.

Online shop development with your shopware agency in Aachen signundsinn

We know what customers are looking for when they search for products or services online. As specialists in online shop systems for Aachen, we create a successful internet presence for your business. Have you previously only sold locally in Aachen and would like to expand your customer base? With an online presence and the development of your customised e-commerce, you can increase your brand awareness and sales. Shopware serves as the foundation for the online shop and grows with your requirements. With its modular design, you can integrate precisely the components that are important for your shop. We find the right concept for every industry. In doing so, we utilise our experience from over ten years of business activity. In addition to developing a user-friendly and marketable online shop, we use our SEO expertise to ensure that your shop is easy to find and has an optimised ranking.

Process of a Shopware project at signundsinn

Shopware relaunch with signundsinn - your Shopware agency for Aachen

Would you like to convert or relaunch your existing online shop? Trust the Shopware agency signundsinn in Aachen. Online shop systems are constantly evolving to meet the needs of customers and sellers. Powerful performance and the ideal customer journey take centre stage. With Shopware, we offer you the opportunity to realise your full potential. We transform your e-commerce in Aachen into a modern and therefore successful web concept. Possible improvements include security-relevant updates, target group-optimised designs, customised plug-ins or the integration of additional payment methods. An expansion of your shop with the use of customised marketing concepts can also be part of your relaunch. With our expertise, you are on the safe side when relaunching your online shop. Our Shopware agency for Aachen will accompany you professionally every step of the way and ensure that problems don't arise in the first place. As a certified Shopware partner, we are familiar with the Shopware evolution and offer you the latest functions for your web-based national or international sales.


Do you want to lump everything together? No problem in the case of your Shopware online shop. To ensure that your business processes remain efficient, we make sure that you do not have to operate your online shop in isolation from your existing IT infrastructure. With our expertise in the area of Shopware interfaces , we connect existing online systems, for example for accounting, merchandise management or payment methods, with your Shopware system. We offer you our expertise for integrative online management of your sales activities from anywhere in the world. At signundsinn - your Shopware agency for Aachen - you will find experience in the development and sales-promoting realisation of your online shop.

Shopware service and support from signundsinn

The development or relaunch of your online shop includes our comprehensive Shopware service and support. If you have any questions or problems, we are at your disposal as your Shopware agency in Aachen. Your satisfaction as a signundsinn customer as a Shopware partner is our top priority. Give us a call and we will help you. We are characterised by short response times and proactive problem solving. If you would like to optimise or add functions in order to offer your customers the best experience, we will advise you on the possibilities. Our Shopware specialists for Aachen will take care of your enquiry!


Unsere Kunden über uns

signundsinn hat uns kurzfristig und schnell Hilfe für unser laufendes Onlineshop-Projekt anbieten können. Wir sind vor allem von der Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und der professionellen Arbeitsweise begeistert. 

Insbesondere die Erfahrungen mit unserem WWS Alphaplan zusammen mit Shopware 6 hilft hierbei besonders.

alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG

All I can say is WOW ! The team are truly amazing, we cannot fault the level of professional, client centric service they provide. We needed an in depth experience and understanding of Shopware - they have this - over 15 years. We wanted excellent communication in English - they have this. We needed quick, cost effective development of our site - They deliver this.

Our journey with signundsinn is nothing but the best quality from start to finish.

Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd

Perfekte Elasticsearch-Suche mit hervorragendem & nettem Support.

Die Shopware 6 Suche wird mit diesem Plugin enorm verbessert und man hat extrem viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Support ist extrem hilfsbereit, kompetent & nett!!!

nullacht15 GmbH

Dieses Plugin bietet sehr viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, in die man sich anfangs zwar ein bisschen einlesen muss, dann aber alle Optionen abdecken, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Dem Team kann ich auch nur größtes Lob aussprechen. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kann man innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit kompetenten Hilfestellungen rechnen, die alle Fragen im Kern aufklären.

Absolut empfehlenswert!

Patrick H.

Sehr guter und schneller Support!

Wir haben sehr guten und super schnellen Support erhalten.

Das Plugin wurde gemeinsam auf die individuellen Anforderungen eingestellt.

Bei einem Problem wurde innerhalb eines Tages eine neue Plugin-Version zur Verfügung gestellt.


Shopware plug-in development Aachen

As the saying goes: every journey begins with the first step in the right direction. Are you already a Shopware user and want to customise your online shop system to your specific needs? We offer customised plug-ins for your individual Shopware journey. Our specially developed Shopware plug-ins are targeted solutions that we customise precisely to your requirements. Don't hesitate and set us your challenge. As a Shopware plug-in developer for Aachen, we have the expertise you are looking for. Whether you are a large company or a private retailer - our customised plug-ins will put your online shop on the road to success.

Elasticsearch for Shopware 6

One of our in-house developments for Shopware 6 is the Elasticsearch plug-in. Anyone who has to search for a long time to find the desired product will lose patience and leave the online shop. As a Shopware agency for Aachen, we have gone the extra mile to ensure that this doesn't happen and that your customers can browse your shop with ease. With Elasticsearch - a user-friendly search function with many individual setting options - we make buyers and sellers happy. Your customers are happy because they are shown exactly what they are looking for. You increase your turnover as you present the right products in the shortest possible time.

Shopware 5 Agency Aachen

Is your online shop based on Shopware 5? As a Shopware agency for Aachen, we offer professional support for your online presence. Shopware 5 is already considered a high standard in e-commerce. With the knowledge of our specialists, we bring you up to date and show you how you can expand the functions of your shop system. Improve your customer journey with modern Shopware 5 plug-ins tailored to your needs. We develop suitable plug-ins just for you. Numerous standard plug-ins are also available for your selection and use.

Shopware 6 Agency Aachen

Shopware 6 has been around since 2020 and has already established itself as the popular and powerful new generation of the Shopware series. Appealing designs, improved user-friendliness, multi-channel sales and much more await you with Shopware 6. Let signundsinn as your Shopware agency for Aachen support you in the implementation of your online shop with Shopware 6. Whether it's the creation of a new shop system, the relaunch or the expansion with individual Shopware 6 plug-ins: We advise you on the latest version of Shopware and realise your wishes.

Shopware and search engine optimisation from signundsinn

With your Shopware agency for Aachen at your side, you can secure a competitive advantage. We create modern shop concepts and support you competently before, during and after the launch or relaunch. Shopware provides you with a flexible system as the basis for your online sales. But it's not just the performance of the website that matters. To achieve the best possible success on the market, you need to be visible to customers. That's why we pay attention to important SEO criteria when developing your shop. If you already have an online shop, we will check its SEO performance and give you advice on how to optimise it based on your rankings. You can also access our free SEO check at any time. Find out now how your website performs and get helpful tips from our experts.

Doppel D

E-Commerce | Shopware

QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Yoga Vidya

E-Commerce | TYPO3

Pantoffeleck Jünemann GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Shopware Agency Aachen - there for you worldwide

We are not only there for you as a Shopware agency in Aachen. We take care of the development and establishment of online shops worldwide. Our national and international customers value our many years of experience and expertise. You too can benefit from a partner who supports you in the realisation of a strong-selling Internet presence , regardless of your location .


Top Kunden

Richard Eichmuller
Richard Eichmüller e.K.
E-Commerce | Shopware
ADEBO Medical & Trade GmbH
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EAGO Deutschland GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Seeger Gesundheitshaus
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | TYPO3
Doppel D
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
purecom GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd
E-Commerce | Shopware
HPS Solutions GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Yoga Vidya
E-Commerce | TYPO3
alpha Technik
alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG
E-Commerce | Shopware
Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Alpha Racing
E-Commerce | Shopware
MaNovoSante Personalmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Website | TYPO3
SD Mechatronik GmbH
Website | TYPO3
Rau Consultants GmbH
B2B Website | TYPO3
Marie Bernal Fashion
Marie Bernal Fashion
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
StoneArt Design GmbH
StoneArt Design GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung
Website | TYPO3
Webportal | TYPO3
FT Fitness Technology GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware-Plugin | Verkaufsbooster im Blogbeitrag
Band OH
Band OH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH
B2B E-Commerce
RDL Group GmbH - Umkehrosmose
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Stecker Express GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware



Shopware bietet innovative Lösungen für Ihr E-Commerce. Die neue Shopware-Version überzeugt mit responsiven Designs, verbesserter Nutzerfreundlichkeit und wartungsarmer Performance. Genutzte Technologien beinhalten PHP 7.2, Twig, Symfony 4.2, Bootstrap und Vue.js.
Eine Plattform für Ihren Onlineshop finden Sie bereits für wenige Euro pro Monat. Nach dem modularen Prinzip können Sie ohne Webdesign-Kenntnisse Ihren Onlineshop erstellen und Produkte oder Dienstleistungen verkaufen. Für eine leistungsstarke und kundenorientierte Performance zahlt es sich jedoch aus, mit professionellen Entwicklern zusammenzuarbeiten.
Damit Sie mit Ihrem Onlineshop Umsatz erzielen, ist die Nutzerfreundlichkeit entscheidend. Kurze Ladezeiten, intelligente Suchfunktionen, zielgruppenoptimierte Designs und ein breites Angebot an Zahlungsmethoden sind wichtige Kriterien für die Entwicklung Ihres Shops. Mit dem SEO-Check stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Shop über Suchmaschinen ein gutes Ranking erzielt.
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