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Shopware Agency Heidelberg


Ihre Shopware Agentur für Heidelberg

Our Shopware agency supports you with individualised, tailor-made tools for successful e-commerce. As a certified Shopware partner, we support you with the development of modern online shop solutions. Whether in the B2B or B2C sector, with a shop system optimised by us, you can offer your customers a perfect online shopping experience. When developing your e-commerce project, we focus on your individual wishes and needs. Whether as part of a reorganisation or redesign or for a completely new shop creation, we are there for you as a shopware agency in Heidelberg.
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What is Shopware?

Shopware is a German-developed, easily modulable and expandable software for building online shops. It has been used internationally for e-commerce shops since 2003 and is becoming increasingly popular. The system is now the market leader. The shop system owes its leading position in part to its numerous interfaces, which allow it to be easily integrated into a company's internal IT systems. The tried-and-tested shop system is also easy to use and extremely maintenance- and user-friendly.

Warum signundsinn als Shopware Agentur?

Experience since
Shops created

Our services as a Shopware agency at a glance

  • Development of your online shop: We help you to optimise your web presence and market your products by creating a brand new, market-oriented shop.
  • Shop relaunch: We take care of the necessary restructuring and redesign of existing online shops.
  • Shopware interfaces: We create professional links between Shopware and company-internal IT systems.
  • Development of Shopware plugins: We design customised Shopware plugins for your online shop.
  • Shopware service and support: We are always there for you. Our reliable Shopware support accompanies you at all stages of your project. And beyond!

Development of your online shop in Heidelberg with the shopware agency signundsinn

Would you like to get started with a new online shop and are you looking for an expert shopware agency in Heidelberg? Then you have just found one. Whether you operate pure e-commerce or want a web presence alongside your brick-and-mortar shop, we are the Shopware agency for Heidelberg that will support you with competence and expertise. We do not limit ourselves to the creation of a functional online shop. We offer you a customisable overall system that meets the needs of your company and is also geared to the profile of your customers. As a Shopware agency for Heidelberg, we have the necessary expertise for this. Furthermore, we have many years of experience in the field of search engine optimisation. This increases the likelihood that your online shop will quickly appear among the first search results after publication.

Process of a Shopware project at signundsinn

Shopware relaunch with signundsinn - your Shopware agency for Heidelberg

Do you already have an e-commerce store, but are not really convinced by the results? Are your sales far too low, could the loading speed of your pages be improved, does the overall look seem outdated, are essential functions missing and are the security standards no longer up to date? Then perhaps you need a relaunch. This involves completely redesigning and restructuring your online shop. If you are looking for a shopware agency in Heidelberg that can provide you with expert support for such an important project, then signundsinn is the right address for you. On the one hand, we have the necessary expertise to organise your shop according to the latest online commerce criteria, and on the other, you are not taking any risks with us. Because a successful relaunch needs to be learnt and should always be left to professionals. Otherwise, important data and media can quickly be lost when 'repainting' your shop. In our countless e-commerce projects, we have already proven our expertise in this area. We are therefore also your Shopware agency for a secure relaunch in Heidelberg.


As a Shopware agency for Heidelberg, we are also professionals for Shopware interfaces. Interfaces are programmatic contact points between different system programmes that can be connected to each other. Our experienced team at signundsinn takes care of connecting important elements of your IT system directly with your online shop. This simplifies numerous internal company processes. In addition, such links guarantee you smooth sales processes. Your customers will also be pleased with interface optimisation. Because if we link your merchandise management system to your online shop, you can make practical information - such as your updated stock levels - available to your customers.

Shopware service and support from signundsinn

Customer satisfaction is our guiding principle. To ensure that the use of your shop system does not become a confusing solo effort, we offer you preventive , forward-looking customer support. Should you still have any questions regarding your Shopware functions or specific problems with the shop system, we will of course be there for you immediately. We are known by our customers for our reliable support and our prompt feedback. As a Shopware agency for Heidelberg, we are also at your disposal with our expertise and constant customer proximity. See for yourself by hiring us as your Shopware agency in Heidelberg for your personal e-commerce project.


Unsere Kunden über uns

signundsinn hat uns kurzfristig und schnell Hilfe für unser laufendes Onlineshop-Projekt anbieten können. Wir sind vor allem von der Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und der professionellen Arbeitsweise begeistert. 

Insbesondere die Erfahrungen mit unserem WWS Alphaplan zusammen mit Shopware 6 hilft hierbei besonders.

alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG

All I can say is WOW ! The team are truly amazing, we cannot fault the level of professional, client centric service they provide. We needed an in depth experience and understanding of Shopware - they have this - over 15 years. We wanted excellent communication in English - they have this. We needed quick, cost effective development of our site - They deliver this.

Our journey with signundsinn is nothing but the best quality from start to finish.

Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd

Perfekte Elasticsearch-Suche mit hervorragendem & nettem Support.

Die Shopware 6 Suche wird mit diesem Plugin enorm verbessert und man hat extrem viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Support ist extrem hilfsbereit, kompetent & nett!!!

nullacht15 GmbH

Dieses Plugin bietet sehr viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, in die man sich anfangs zwar ein bisschen einlesen muss, dann aber alle Optionen abdecken, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Dem Team kann ich auch nur größtes Lob aussprechen. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kann man innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit kompetenten Hilfestellungen rechnen, die alle Fragen im Kern aufklären.

Absolut empfehlenswert!

Patrick H.

Sehr guter und schneller Support!

Wir haben sehr guten und super schnellen Support erhalten.

Das Plugin wurde gemeinsam auf die individuellen Anforderungen eingestellt.

Bei einem Problem wurde innerhalb eines Tages eine neue Plugin-Version zur Verfügung gestellt.


Development of customised Shopware plugins

A plugin is an extension of the existing software that enables new functions in the online shop. Even though there are already many optional Shopware plugins on the international market, not all needs are covered by far. As a Shopware agency for Heidelberg, we therefore endeavour to design individualised Shopware plug ins for our customers. Incidentally, we provide this service not only for retailers and e-commerce companies, but also for web agencies and service providers. Whatever your plugin needs may be, we can certainly help you.

Elasticsearch for Shopware 6

As a Shopware agency, we have another trump card up our sleeve for our customers in Heidelberg: Our specially developed plugins, which give your online shop the finishing touches. These include, for example, our Elasticsearch extensions for Shopware 6. Elasticsearch is based on a powerful, user-friendly search engine that enables your customers to find the products in your shop that are really relevant in the shortest possible time. Because anyone who shops online wants to complete the purchase process quickly. This helps you to avoid unnecessary order cancellations and the definitive loss of frustrated customers.

Shopware 5 Agency Heidelberg

Shopware 5 is a shop system that still impresses today. Its modern design adapts to all mobile devices on the market, it allows user-friendly media management and contains practical tools for search engine optimisation. As a Shopware agency for Heidelberg, we not only support you with a professional realisation of all the already integrated functions of your Shopware 5 system, we also offer you numerous Shopware 5 plugins developed in-house. Browse through our range and find out more about our innovative plugins such as Shopware Shop Check, Voice Search or PDF Flipbook!

Shopware 6 Agency Heidelberg

Shopware 6 has been on the market since 2020 as the successor programme to Shopware 5. This shop system also holds no secrets for our agency. Shopware 6 offers multi-channel commerce, sample templates for delivery notes and invoices, 250 different, already integrated country IDs and much more. In Heidelberg, you can rely on our Shopware agency to help you make a coherent decision between Shopware 5 and Shopware 6 according to your company's specific needs. We also have numerous in-house plugins for Shopware 6 in stock for you.

Shopware and search engine optimisation from signundsinn

If you commission us as your Shopware agency in Heidelberg to configure your shop system, you can also rely on our many years of experience in the field of search engine optimisation. After all, what use is the best online shop if nobody can find it? We check your SEO performance and ensure that your web content is optimised so that it not only contains the right keywords, but also leads to successful conversions. Our team of experts knows exactly what encourages a shop visitor to make a purchase. In this way, we not only push the number of visitors to your website, but also help you to win new customers for your products. Would you like to find out immediately how search engine optimised your online shop really is? Then take a look at the free SEO check!

Doppel D

E-Commerce | Shopware

QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Yoga Vidya

E-Commerce | TYPO3

Pantoffeleck Jünemann GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Shopware Agency Heidelberg - there for you worldwide

Even though our Shopware agency is based in Munich, we work nationwide and can also support you with our expertise beyond Germany's borders. This means you can utilise our services regardless of your location. Wherever you are based, our agency looks forward to supporting you!


Top Kunden

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Richard Eichmüller e.K.
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EAGO Deutschland GmbH
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Seeger Gesundheitshaus
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E-Commerce | TYPO3
Doppel D
E-Commerce | Shopware
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purecom GmbH
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Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd
E-Commerce | Shopware
HPS Solutions GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH
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IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH
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Yoga Vidya
E-Commerce | TYPO3
alpha Technik
alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG
E-Commerce | Shopware
Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
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Alpha Racing
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MaNovoSante Personalmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Website | TYPO3
SD Mechatronik GmbH
Website | TYPO3
Rau Consultants GmbH
B2B Website | TYPO3
Marie Bernal Fashion
Marie Bernal Fashion
E-Commerce | Shopware
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StoneArt Design GmbH
StoneArt Design GmbH
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Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung
Website | TYPO3
Webportal | TYPO3
FT Fitness Technology GmbH
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Band OH
Band OH
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Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH
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RDL Group GmbH - Umkehrosmose
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Stecker Express GmbH
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Shopware ist ein konfigurier- und erweiterbares Shopsystem, mit dem Sie einen modernen Onlineshop aufbauen und nach Ihren eigenen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen individualisieren können.
Shopware ist ein konfigurier- und erweiterbares Shopsystem, mit dem Sie einen modernen Onlineshop aufbauen und nach Ihren eigenen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen individualisieren können.
Auf Shopware 6 umzusteigen, kann sich dann lohnen, wenn Sie neue, spezifische Funktionen benötigen, die nicht über Plugins installiert werden können – zum Beispiel Multi-Channel-Commerce.
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