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Shopware Agency Heilbron


Ihre Shopware Agentur für Heilbron

Would you like to finally establish an online presence as a local retailer? Or are you looking for a shop system that can be customised to your exact requirements? We are the right partner to support you in setting up an online shop. Our agency is a certified Shopware partner. We have been working for our customers for over ten years and support e-commerce projects from the initial idea to the finished result. As a Shopware agency, we are happy to support you in Heilbronn in setting up an online shop that combines modern design and the latest features.
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What is Shopware?

Shopware is a leading provider of shop software "Made in Germany". The modular shop system was developed in 2003 and has enjoyed great popularity ever since. Shopware is characterised by its wide range of options and a large community. As a Shopware agency for Heilbronn and the surrounding area, we are happy to advise you on all aspects of the popular shop system. Whether you need customised plug-ins or interfaces, we are the right partner for you.

Warum signundsinn als Shopware Agentur?

Experience since
Shops created

Our services as a Shopware agency at a glance

  • As part of online shop development, we accompany you on the path from brick-and-mortar retail to your own online shop. You can enter the world of e-commerce even without having previously had a local shop. We will develop a customised solution for you
  • , and
  • if a relaunch is necessary - for whatever reason - we will invest all our expertise and experience in your Shopware relaunch
  • .
  • Your online shop is not yet a perfect fit for your IT infrastructure? We specialise in the development of interfaces for Shopware.
  • The modular Shopware system can be adapted to many needs, but every now and then it has to be a customised solution. We create customised solutions with plug-ins developed in-house so that you can concentrate on your core business.
  • We are also happy to be your contact
  • for
  • service and support after the shop development and other services
  • .

Online shop development with Shopware agency signundsinn

As a Shopware agency for Heilbronn, we bring your online shop online. In the first step, we look together with you at how your company is organised. Which systems do you already use? How is your IT infrastructure organised? Which products would you like to offer in your online shop? On the basis of this collected data, we develop an online shop that is exactly right for you. Today, an online shop must offer a high degree of usability and user-friendliness so that your customers are happy to use it.

An online shop customised to your requirements is the basis for your online success. Our services include modern, responsive shop design, SEO optimisation of your online shop and connection to your existing systems. Feel free to contact us at for the customised design of your own online shop.

Process of a Shopware project at signundsinn

Shopware relaunch with signundsinn - your Shopware agency for Heilbron

Minor changes and adjustments are always necessary, even for existing online shops. In some cases, however, small changes are not enough and a relaunch is necessary. The aim of a relaunch is to utilise the full potential of your online presence. While your existing online shop continues to run as usual, we as a shopware agency for Heilbronn work on your relaunch in the background.

If you are looking for a shopware agency for Heilbronn to make your web presence more user-friendly, improve your search engine ranking and optimise the performance of your shop, then signundsinn is the right partner for you. You take care of your day-to-day business while we modernise the design of your shop, close security gaps and implement new features and interfaces. Perhaps you have been using a different system and would now like to switch to Shopware? You are also in the best hands with us for such a change. Thanks to our many years of experience with Shopware, we can support you with a wealth of expertise during your Shopware relaunch.


An interface is used to exchange data between two systems. Let's say you want to link your accounting system with your online shop, but can't find a suitable interface. This is where we come into play as a Shopware agency for Heilbronn and the surrounding area. We develop customised interfaces for all systems that you would like to use in conjunction with your Shopware shop. If you are looking for a Shopware agency for Heilbronn that can customise interfaces to meet your individual requirements, signundsinn is the right choice.

Shopware service and support from signundsinn

Are you planning a larger project and looking for a Shopware agency in Heilbronn? Or would you like support with the many small adjustments that are always necessary in e-commerce? As a certified Shopware agency, we are at your side with a wealth of experience and expertise. You benefit from fast, continuous service and support. Is an error message appearing in your Shopware shop? Is the website taking a long time to load? Just give us a call and we'll be there for you as your Shopware agency in Heilbronn.


Unsere Kunden über uns

signundsinn hat uns kurzfristig und schnell Hilfe für unser laufendes Onlineshop-Projekt anbieten können. Wir sind vor allem von der Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und der professionellen Arbeitsweise begeistert. 

Insbesondere die Erfahrungen mit unserem WWS Alphaplan zusammen mit Shopware 6 hilft hierbei besonders.

alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG

All I can say is WOW ! The team are truly amazing, we cannot fault the level of professional, client centric service they provide. We needed an in depth experience and understanding of Shopware - they have this - over 15 years. We wanted excellent communication in English - they have this. We needed quick, cost effective development of our site - They deliver this.

Our journey with signundsinn is nothing but the best quality from start to finish.

Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd

Perfekte Elasticsearch-Suche mit hervorragendem & nettem Support.

Die Shopware 6 Suche wird mit diesem Plugin enorm verbessert und man hat extrem viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Support ist extrem hilfsbereit, kompetent & nett!!!

nullacht15 GmbH

Dieses Plugin bietet sehr viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, in die man sich anfangs zwar ein bisschen einlesen muss, dann aber alle Optionen abdecken, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Dem Team kann ich auch nur größtes Lob aussprechen. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kann man innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit kompetenten Hilfestellungen rechnen, die alle Fragen im Kern aufklären.

Absolut empfehlenswert!

Patrick H.

Sehr guter und schneller Support!

Wir haben sehr guten und super schnellen Support erhalten.

Das Plugin wurde gemeinsam auf die individuellen Anforderungen eingestellt.

Bei einem Problem wurde innerhalb eines Tages eine neue Plugin-Version zur Verfügung gestellt.


Shopware plug-in development

There is no doubt that Shopware benefits from its large community and the enthusiasm of this community for the development of customised plug-ins. However, there is not always a suitable plug-in and in some cases it has to be a customised solution. As a Shopware agency for Heilbronn, we are the first point of contact for our customers when it comes to customised plug-ins. Do you want to stand out from the competition with unique solutions? Are you looking for a shop system that suits you perfectly? Talk to us about plug-in development - as Shopware experts, we will find a smart solution.

Elasticsearch for Shopware 6

Elasticsearch is a search engine based on Lucene. It offers an enormous range of functions, rapid speed and high performance. Visitors to your online shop are shown their search results immediately. This is a great relief for shop visitors, because nobody likes to waste time. We expect a fast pace, especially on the Internet. Here you can gain a competitive advantage by using Elasticsearch for Shopware 6, which we have developed.

Shopware 5 Agency Heilbron

Shopware 5 has a lot to offer. As a classic e-commerce system, it offers numerous SEO tools, simple media management and a responsive design. Would you like to design your online shop with Shopware 5? Then we are the Shopware agency for Heilbronn that will realise your individual requirements. We support you in the design of your website and, as experts for Shopware 5 , we are the right people to contact when it comes to customised plug-ins. Customised, self-developed plug -ins are one of our strengths and make your online shop even more effective.

Shopware 6 Agency Heilbron

Shopware 6 is the successor to Shopware 5 and has been on the market since 2020. The great strength of Shopware 6 is the flexibility of this shop system. Whatever your online shop, whatever your requirements, and whatever experience and shopping worlds you want to create with your online presence, Shopware 6 makes it possible. With our many years of expertise, we are your partner if you want to bring your online shop up to Shopware 6 level. The plug-ins we have developed for Shopware 6 leave nothing to be desired.

Shopware and search engine optimisation from signundsinn

As an experienced Shopware agency for Heilbronn, we know exactly that search engine ranking also plays an important role when setting up or optimising a Shopware shop. If you want to be successful in the long term and hold your own against your competitors, you need to test your shop for SEO suitability. For this reason, we not only adapt your Shopware shop to your requirements and the needs of your customers using individual interfaces and plug-ins, we also take care of the search engine optimisation of your shop. Use our free SEO check if you want to find out immediately how well your shop performs in terms of search engine optimisation. Are you looking for a Shopware agency in Heilbronn and would like to check the SEO performance of your shop and improve it if necessary? Arrange a consultation right now.

Doppel D

E-Commerce | Shopware

QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Yoga Vidya

E-Commerce | TYPO3

Pantoffeleck Jünemann GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Shopware Agency Heilbron - there for you worldwide

If you are looking for a Shopware agency for Heilbronn, you will find the right contact in us. But we are also there for our customers worldwide. Are you based in another city, state or country? Regardless of location, we advise our customers on all questions relating to Shopware and interfaces or plug-ins for the modular shop system.


Top Kunden

Richard Eichmuller
Richard Eichmüller e.K.
E-Commerce | Shopware
ADEBO Medical & Trade GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
EAGO Deutschland GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Seeger Gesundheitshaus
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | TYPO3
Doppel D
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
purecom GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd
E-Commerce | Shopware
HPS Solutions GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Yoga Vidya
E-Commerce | TYPO3
alpha Technik
alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG
E-Commerce | Shopware
Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Alpha Racing
E-Commerce | Shopware
MaNovoSante Personalmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Website | TYPO3
SD Mechatronik GmbH
Website | TYPO3
Rau Consultants GmbH
B2B Website | TYPO3
Marie Bernal Fashion
Marie Bernal Fashion
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
StoneArt Design GmbH
StoneArt Design GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung
Website | TYPO3
Webportal | TYPO3
FT Fitness Technology GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware-Plugin | Verkaufsbooster im Blogbeitrag
Band OH
Band OH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH
B2B E-Commerce
RDL Group GmbH - Umkehrosmose
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Stecker Express GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware



Wer Shopware 6 kostenlos nutzen möchte, ist mit der Version für die Community bestens beraten. Möchten Sie umfassendere Leistungen nutzen, müssen Sie Shopware 6 kaufen.
Shopware bietet Shopbetreibern umfassende Leistungen und viel Flexibilität. Da das Shop-System modular aufgebaut ist und durch Schnittstellen und Plug-ins erweitert werden kann, lässt es sich an nahezu jeden Online-Shop anpassen.
Wer mit einem Online-Shop erfolgreich werden möchte, sollte diesen so nutzerfreundlich wie möglich aufbauen. Zudem gilt es, Vertrauen mit seiner Webpräsenz durch korrekte Produktbeschreibungen und ansprechende Warenpräsentationen zu schaffen.
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