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Shopware Agency Münster


Shopware Agentur für Münster

Would you like to set up an online shop or relaunch your existing shop? We have specialised in online shop development with Shopware for over ten years. We are certified Shopware partners and provide our customers with customised solutions for the entire e-commerce sector. Tailored to the individual needs of our customers in B2B or B2C, we set up your online shop for Münster as a Shopware agency. We also support you in all possible areas relating to your online shop with specially developed plugins or interfaces.
Contact person link image
Your contact person
Estefan Huerta Barroso
+49 (0)89 215 2710 90

What is Shopware?

The modular shop system has been inspiring a large community from a wide range of industries for almost 20 years. User-friendly and low-maintenance, Shopware is now one of the leading shop systems worldwide. The system has gained its popularity through the ability to connect a wide variety of IT systems to the online shop, with many interfaces and plugins available and more and more customisations being added. These allow Shopware to be customised to meet the individual needs of each user.

Warum signundsinn als Shopware Agentur?

Experience since
Shops created

Our services as a Shopware agency at a glance

  • Customised online shop development: Let us develop your shop from the ground up and establish your product on the market.
  • Shopware relaunch: We accompany the relaunch of your online presence and open up new perspectives for your shop.
  • Shopware interfaces: No language is foreign to us in e-commerce. We skilfully connect the shop with other IT systems
  • Plugin development for Shopware: We customise plugins exactly to your needs.
  • Convincing Shopware service and support: You can reach us at any time and have a professional contact person for your Shopware online shop throughout our collaboration.

Online shop development with Shopware agency signundsinn

Are you planning to enter the world of e-commerce with your business in the Münster area? Are you missing a Shopware agency in Münster?
With signundsinn you are on the right track with your internet presence right from the start. Remember that even as a bricks-and-mortar retailer, you can ensure the necessary regional visibility with your Internet presence. The prerequisite for your success in e-commerce is a shop system that is customised to your needs. This is where Shopware comes in. The customisable shop system always puts your offer in the right light. It thus creates the basis for your further business development.
Signundsinn guides you safely through the challenging development or relaunch of your online shop. You also benefit from our many years of experience in search engine optimisation for your best ranking.

Process of a Shopware project at signundsinn

Shopware relaunch with signundsinn - your Shopware agency for NurembergWould you

like to

increase sales with your existing and outdated online shop? Then a relaunch is exactly the right measure:

your Internet presence constantly requires certain adjustments in order to meet changing requirements. In recent years, the demands on usability, user experience and performance have changed. With a new shop, you can set new standards. Shopware as a modern shop system has many possibilities to give your shop wings.

A relaunch is a challenging task, in which we as your Shopware agency for Münster will accompany you with our expertise and experience. A new design, modernised functions, an update for the security systems - all this awaits you with a relaunch. We also know the problems that can arise during this modernisation work. We manage all the work involved with foresight and prudence. You can sit back and concentrate on your day-to-day business. As a certified software agency, we will give your shop in Münster a boost.


We at signundsinn have recognised the importance of interfaces from the very beginning. An interface establishes the important connection between different IT systems with different "IT languages". This ensures that all platforms and your Shopware online shopharmonise perfectly.

That is why we have made a point of developing special expertise in this area. With signundsinn for Münster, you are choosing a Shopware agency that will integrate your online shop perfectly into an existing IT structure. We ensure that your shop works smoothly with merchandise management systems, payment providers, PIM, asset management or accounting.

Shopware service and support from signundsinn

Your satisfaction as a customer of our shopware agency for Nuremberg is our top priority. That's why we offer you reliable, competent and fast support throughout the entire cooperation with us. One call is all it takes for us to take care of your problem or concern regarding your Shopware e-commerce project. In addition, we take proactive action if we identify optimisation potential or errors and point these out to you directly, naturally with an appropriate, professional solution.

The reviews from our customers speak for themselves and show that our customers are completely delighted with our service as well as our performance.


Unsere Kunden über uns

signundsinn hat uns kurzfristig und schnell Hilfe für unser laufendes Onlineshop-Projekt anbieten können. Wir sind vor allem von der Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und der professionellen Arbeitsweise begeistert. 

Insbesondere die Erfahrungen mit unserem WWS Alphaplan zusammen mit Shopware 6 hilft hierbei besonders.

alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG

All I can say is WOW ! The team are truly amazing, we cannot fault the level of professional, client centric service they provide. We needed an in depth experience and understanding of Shopware - they have this - over 15 years. We wanted excellent communication in English - they have this. We needed quick, cost effective development of our site - They deliver this.

Our journey with signundsinn is nothing but the best quality from start to finish.

Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd

Perfekte Elasticsearch-Suche mit hervorragendem & nettem Support.

Die Shopware 6 Suche wird mit diesem Plugin enorm verbessert und man hat extrem viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Support ist extrem hilfsbereit, kompetent & nett!!!

nullacht15 GmbH

Dieses Plugin bietet sehr viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, in die man sich anfangs zwar ein bisschen einlesen muss, dann aber alle Optionen abdecken, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Dem Team kann ich auch nur größtes Lob aussprechen. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kann man innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit kompetenten Hilfestellungen rechnen, die alle Fragen im Kern aufklären.

Absolut empfehlenswert!

Patrick H.

Sehr guter und schneller Support!

Wir haben sehr guten und super schnellen Support erhalten.

Das Plugin wurde gemeinsam auf die individuellen Anforderungen eingestellt.

Bei einem Problem wurde innerhalb eines Tages eine neue Plugin-Version zur Verfügung gestellt.


Shopware plug-in development

Shopware offers many ready-made plug-ins as standard. The large community provides further supplies. Nevertheless, there is not a suitable plugin for every online shop challenge.

In Münster, you can rely on the Shopware agency signundsinn. The customisation of your online shop is right at the top of our agenda. That's why we are experts with many years of experience in the development of customised plug ins for your shop. Talk to us about your special requirements. Together we will switch on the turbo for your shop with a special plugin.

Elasticsearch for Shopware 6

With the intelligent search Elasticsearch for Shopware 6 , search functions reach a new dimension. The Lucene-based search engine easily copes with all professional requirements.

In terms of speed, it is in the Formula 1 of search engines. Do you want a competitive advantage that your competitors can only dream of? Then Elasticsearch for Shopware 6 is the exclusive extension you've been waiting for. Customised, flexible and precise, it enhances the functionality and performance of your shop. As a certified Shopware agency in Münster, we are also the first port of call for this extension.

Shopware 5 Agency Münster

Shopware 5 is the proven classic among the Shopware programmes. You benefit from responsive design, uncomplicated media management and basic SEO tools. We create customised Shopware 5 plugins for you. In this way, we develop further added value when using Shopware 5. Get the most out of Shopware 5. We also have a range of exciting, already developed extensions for Shopware 5.

If you prefer classic, solid solutions, opt for the Shopware agency signundsinn and Shopware 5 in Münster.

Shopware 6 agency Münster

As the successor to Shopware 5, Shopware 6 has quickly developed into a popular shop system since its launch in 2020. The version shines with responsive design in the front and back end, multi-channel sales, very versatile media management and many other new tools.

Get to know the many possibilities of Shopware 6 with your Shopware agency for Münster. We also develop suitable Shopware 6 plugins for this variant competently and precisely. We are happy to assist you with these developments if you are already using Shopware 6.

Shopware and search engine optimisation from signundsinn

Our more than ten years of experience with shop systems and software have shown us one thing: without coordinated search engine optimisation, shops will fall short of their potential. That's why our customers are happy to entrust us with their performance in the search engine algorithms.

Our free SEO check provides an initial overview. A real opportunity, even for the impatient among you, to get an immediate first impression of the performance of your existing shop with your Shopware agency for Münster. Would you like even more in the area of SEO? Get in touch with us. We have a whole portfolio of customised SEO services for your shop. Among other things, we work with our customers on backlinks, technical loading times and errors as well as status codes

Doppel D

E-Commerce | Shopware

QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Yoga Vidya

E-Commerce | TYPO3

Pantoffeleck Jünemann GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Shopware agency Münster there for you worldwide

We are based in Munich and are at your side as a Shopware agency in Münster? With our international orientation, we support customers throughout Germany and beyond. We provide you with location-independent services at the highest level. We are just a phone call away. See for yourself now.


Top Kunden

Richard Eichmuller
Richard Eichmüller e.K.
E-Commerce | Shopware
ADEBO Medical & Trade GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
EAGO Deutschland GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Seeger Gesundheitshaus
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | TYPO3
Doppel D
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
purecom GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd
E-Commerce | Shopware
HPS Solutions GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Yoga Vidya
E-Commerce | TYPO3
alpha Technik
alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG
E-Commerce | Shopware
Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Alpha Racing
E-Commerce | Shopware
MaNovoSante Personalmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Website | TYPO3
SD Mechatronik GmbH
Website | TYPO3
Rau Consultants GmbH
B2B Website | TYPO3
Marie Bernal Fashion
Marie Bernal Fashion
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
StoneArt Design GmbH
StoneArt Design GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung
Website | TYPO3
Webportal | TYPO3
FT Fitness Technology GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware-Plugin | Verkaufsbooster im Blogbeitrag
Band OH
Band OH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH
B2B E-Commerce
RDL Group GmbH - Umkehrosmose
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Stecker Express GmbH
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Shopsysteme können nach diversen Gesichtspunkten unterschieden werden. Es gibt Modelle zum Mieten, Open-Source-Systeme und Kaufmodelle. Shopware ist mit seiner Community-Version ein Open-Source-System mit vielen weiteren Individualisierungsmöglichkeiten. Bekannte Namen von Shopsystemen sind neben Shopware unter anderem Shopify, Magento, Spryker und einige mehr.
Shopware verfügt über ein App-System in der Shopware Cloud, das als Software-as-a-Service-Produkt (SaaS) ausgestaltet ist. SaaS bedeutet, dass Softwareanwendungen direkt über das Internet bereitgestellt werden. Der Service gehört zum Cloud-Computing. Der Kunde nimmt eine Anwendung als Dienstleistung in Anspruch, während die IT-Struktur von einem externen Dienstleister bereitgestellt wird.
Der Support direkt von Software soll nach derzeitigem Stand bis 2024 gewährleistet sein.
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