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Shopware Agency Stuttgart


Shopware Agentur für Stuttgart

With more than a decade of experience, we design, implement and optimise customised, target group-oriented and high-performance online shops as a Shopware partner - both in the B2B and B2C market environment! As a Shopware agency for Stuttgart, we offer our customers a wide-ranging service portfolio that covers every phase of your (new) project, from new development and relaunch to optimisation and marketing to specially developed plugins for Shopware. Just get in touch with us!

Contact person link image
Your contact person
Estefan Huerta Barroso
+49 (0)89 215 2710 90

What is Shopware?

Shopware is synonymous with digital quality "Made in Germany". For almost two decades, the high-performance shop system has been a modular jack-of-all-trades that can be used to realise high-performance shops for SMEs as well as extensive e-commerce projects. Shopware is now in its sixth generation, and a seventh version will inevitably follow sooner or later. Shopware's success proves it right - and our customers love the intuitive CMS!

Warum signundsinn als Shopware Agentur?

Experience since
Shops created

Our services as a Shopware agency at a glance

  • Online shop design and implementation: As a Shopware agency, we develop a concept that suits your company and its customers - and implement it with years of acquired technical expertise.

  • Shop relaunches: Has the ravages of time taken their toll on your online shop? We manage and realise a shop relaunch!

  • Vertical integration of Shopware: We know the interfaces of Shopware and other IT systems - so we can create a high-performance, mutually complementary shop system for our customers.

  • Plugin development by signundsinn: We offer specially developed and optimised plugins for both Shopware 5 and 6 that perfectly complement the needs of our customers.

  • Support: Questions? Problems? Suggestions? As your competent contact partner, the team at our Shopware Agency Stuttgart is always available for you!

Online shop development with Shopware agency signundsinn

Today, having your own online shop is no longer optional, regardless of the industry and target group: our experts will support or optimise your digital sales platform in Stuttgart. The online shop has many advantages for SMEs and large companies alike - not least because it acts as a reliable seller for the company around the clock. Completely independent of opening hours, shop space and the like.

Thanks to the modular structure of Shopware, we are able to customise the innovative shop solution for companies individually. In addition to the development and realisation of the shop, we also take on far-reaching marketing solutions for our customers - for example, by aligning your shop with modern SEO standards right from the start. This lays the foundation for strong search engine rankings.

Process of a Shopware project at signundsinn

Shopware relaunch with signundsinn - your Shopware agency for Stuttgart

Does your company already have its own shop on the Internet? Then you have already mastered an important first step. Nevertheless, the Internet does not stand still in terms of the demands of the target group, retailers and leading search engines such as Google. A shop that was still inspiring ten years ago could be wasting a lot of potential today. With our Shopware relaunch for Stuttgart customers, we will transform your shop into the year 2022 and beyond - in terms of content, visuals, technology and SEO. With the new, intuitive shop, you present yourself to your target group as a digital pioneer and at the same time prove that there is no room for stagnation in your company.

The relaunch of a shop is a time-consuming project that should be in professional hands from the initial concept to the final touches. As a Shopware agency for Stuttgart, we have already accompanied numerous relaunches. We make sure that your new shop is up-to-date in terms of security, has inspiring content, uses modern designs and utilises the many different Shopware features.


Interfaces are digital bridges that connect different parts of your IT infrastructure in an optimised and meaningful way. As a long-standing expert for Shopware in all versions, we have extensive knowledge of the integration and interfaces of Shopware. We transform thisexpertise into a high-performance technical basis for our customers - and use it to connect your shop with programmes for asset management, accounting, PIM, payment providers or merchandise management systems, for example. The result is an IT infrastructure that guarantees customers the best possible shopping experience and you highly efficient internal processes.

Shopware service and support from signundsinn

There is always something to do: That's why you can always rely on us as your Shopware agency for Stuttgart. Whether by e-mail or with a quick phone call, your suggestions, problems or requests will be met with a sympathetic ear and an extra portion of drive. The signundsinn team is available for you around the clock and accompanies large and small projects with comprehensive service and support. This includes, among other things Code optimisations according to the latest standards, installing shopware and security updates, carrying out SEO and marketing analyses and suggesting suitable measures - so your project is always in strong, competent hands.


Unsere Kunden über uns

signundsinn hat uns kurzfristig und schnell Hilfe für unser laufendes Onlineshop-Projekt anbieten können. Wir sind vor allem von der Kompetenz, Schnelligkeit und der professionellen Arbeitsweise begeistert. 

Insbesondere die Erfahrungen mit unserem WWS Alphaplan zusammen mit Shopware 6 hilft hierbei besonders.

alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG

All I can say is WOW ! The team are truly amazing, we cannot fault the level of professional, client centric service they provide. We needed an in depth experience and understanding of Shopware - they have this - over 15 years. We wanted excellent communication in English - they have this. We needed quick, cost effective development of our site - They deliver this.

Our journey with signundsinn is nothing but the best quality from start to finish.

Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd

Perfekte Elasticsearch-Suche mit hervorragendem & nettem Support.

Die Shopware 6 Suche wird mit diesem Plugin enorm verbessert und man hat extrem viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten. Der Support ist extrem hilfsbereit, kompetent & nett!!!

nullacht15 GmbH

Dieses Plugin bietet sehr viele Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten, in die man sich anfangs zwar ein bisschen einlesen muss, dann aber alle Optionen abdecken, die man sich vorstellen kann.

Dem Team kann ich auch nur größtes Lob aussprechen. Bei Problemen oder Fragen kann man innerhalb kürzester Zeit mit kompetenten Hilfestellungen rechnen, die alle Fragen im Kern aufklären.

Absolut empfehlenswert!

Patrick H.

Sehr guter und schneller Support!

Wir haben sehr guten und super schnellen Support erhalten.

Das Plugin wurde gemeinsam auf die individuellen Anforderungen eingestellt.

Bei einem Problem wurde innerhalb eines Tages eine neue Plugin-Version zur Verfügung gestellt.


Shopware plug-in development

Shopware, both in its fifth and sixth generation, is regarded as an extremely high-performance, versatile and extensively equipped shop system. However, even after almost two decades, Shopware is still a community favourite: as evidenced by the many different plug-ins that have since been made available for the system by freelance developers - and which make full use of the modular structure of the shop system. We agree with this: As a Shopware agency for Stuttgart, we develop powerful Shopware plugins on our own initiative and according to the needs of our customers, which sustainably improve the functionality and efficiency of the shop.

Elasticsearch for Shopware 6

Whether a shop has a manageable or extensive product range: the search function is an important component that significantly influences the user experience in the shop and also has a direct impact on the conversions achieved. Put simply, it all comes down to this: The user must find exactly what they are looking for - without any avoidable detours. That's why we developed the Elasticsearch plugin for Shopware 6 ourselves. The result is an intelligent search that is based on Lucene and offers a considerable range of functions for further optimisation and customisation. Generate a competitive advantage with an intelligent search - and satisfied customers!

Shopware 5 Agency Stuttgart

Shopware 5 celebrated its international debut in April 2015 - and was supplied with updates until summer 2021. Our Shopware agency also accompanied the fifth generation of the shop system for more than six years - and still does today! Although there is now an official successor, Shopware 5 is still a high-performance, highly efficient shop system that delights customers and shop operators alike. To match this, we have developed many different plug-ins for Shopware 5 that add valuable features and functions to your shop.

Shopware 6 Agency Stuttgart

Although the successor was only recently released, we have already been able to turn our decades of experience into specialised know-how. We know what Shopware 6 can do, how it supports both end customers and retailers and what the differences are to its predecessor - for example in the form of the strict separation between the front and back end, which now opens up far more possibilities. Perfectly suited for omni- and multi-channel sales strategies, we also support your shop when using Shopware 6 with powerful, highly innovative plug-ins developed in-house.

Shopware and search engine optimisation from signundsinn

We are more than "just" your shopware agency for Stuttgart: We see ourselves as a strong partner who accompanies you from shop development to marketing strategy. Search engine optimisation (SEO) is undoubtedly an important part of the marketing mix. Only a search engine optimised shop has the chance to achieve prominent rankings for frequently searched terms - and thus increase your own traffic and sales. In the course of this, we support you with our free SEO check and SEO performance analysis. Find out how good your shop actually is in the "eyes" of the Google algorithm and how you can achieve sustainably better rankings with on- and off-page optimisation measures. Following our analysis, we will provide you with detailed recommendations for action!

Doppel D

E-Commerce | Shopware

QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Yoga Vidya

E-Commerce | TYPO3

Pantoffeleck Jünemann GmbH

E-Commerce | Shopware

Shopware Agency Stuttgart - there for you worldwide

Based in beautiful Munich, active for you around the globe and throughout Germany! As a Shopware agency for Stuttgart, we are by no means limited to the southern metropolis or Baden-Württemberg, but offer you access to our expertise and our extensive services regardless of location. Get in touch with us so that we can discuss everything else personally and give you an insight into our work!


Top Kunden

Richard Eichmuller
Richard Eichmüller e.K.
E-Commerce | Shopware
ADEBO Medical & Trade GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
EAGO Deutschland GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Seeger Gesundheitshaus
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | TYPO3
Doppel D
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
purecom GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Pinknoise Systems Europe Ltd
E-Commerce | Shopware
HPS Solutions GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
QUAD Computer Consulting GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
IPS Pressevertrieb GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Yoga Vidya
E-Commerce | TYPO3
alpha Technik
alpha Technik GmbH & Co. KG
E-Commerce | Shopware
Taschenkaufhaus GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Alpha Racing
E-Commerce | Shopware
MaNovoSante Personalmanagement GmbH & Co. KG
Website | TYPO3
SD Mechatronik GmbH
Website | TYPO3
Rau Consultants GmbH
B2B Website | TYPO3
Marie Bernal Fashion
Marie Bernal Fashion
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
StoneArt Design GmbH
StoneArt Design GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Münchner Institut für systemische Weiterbildung
Website | TYPO3
Webportal | TYPO3
FT Fitness Technology GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware-Plugin | Verkaufsbooster im Blogbeitrag
Band OH
Band OH
E-Commerce | Shopware
Forum Verlag Herkert GmbH
B2B E-Commerce
RDL Group GmbH - Umkehrosmose
E-Commerce | Shopware
E-Commerce | Shopware
Stecker Express GmbH
E-Commerce | Shopware



Die sechste Version von Shopware ist erst im Jahr 2019 erschienen, wobei zwischen der fünften und sechsten Generation insgesamt sechs Jahre liegen. Einen fixen Termin gibt es nicht, höchstwahrscheinlich könnte Shopware 7 aber zwischen 2024 und 2026 an den Start gehen.
Shopware bietet verschiedene Preispakete, die sich unter anderem am Leistungsumfang orientieren. Wie viel ein Shopware Shop kostet, ist maßgeblich von eben diesem Leistungsumfang sowie dessen Größe abhängig. Wir beraten Sie hierzu gern persönlich und entsprechend Ihren Projektvorstellungen.
Shopware ist ein performantes, modular aufgebautes Shopsystem, das nicht nur schon ab Werk zahlreiche Funktionen und Features mitbringt, sondern in der sechsten Version durch die Trennung zwischen Front- und Backend fortan noch mehr Freiheiten gewährt. Shopware ist dank seiner Schnittstellen zudem für jede Shopgröße hervorragend geeignet.
Unsere Meinung als Shopware Agentur für Stuttgart dürfte nicht überraschen: Wir halten Shopware für die beste Shopsoftware! Nicht grundlos haben wir uns dem leistungsstarken Shopsystem bereits seit mehr als zehn Jahren verschrieben, eigene Plug-ins entwickelt und unser Know-how kontinuierlich ausgebaut Shopware ist es wert!
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