Shopware plugin development
for shop optimization
We would be happy to develop a customised solution for you - or perhaps we have already developed the ideal Shopware plugin for you? Please contact us in any case!

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Tailor-made Shopware plugin development for your functions
Shopware plugins developed specifically for your needs add customised functions to your store and have many advantages:
- Risk-free extension
The source code of your Shopware shop is not touched. Plugins are therefore a safe solution for expanding functions. Even after updates, plugins can generally continue to be used unchanged; minor adjustments are rarely necessary.
- Almost anything is possible
From visual changes to complex interfaces: With our know-how and the corresponding technical expertise, we can programme almost any plugin you require.
- Your own solution
By developing your own solution that is optimised to your needs, you save time and money in the long term. You can also optimise existing processes and gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
Our motto for
Shopware plugin development:
There is no such thing as " I can't"!
With targeted Shopware plugin development we make your wishes come true
Shopware 6 is the latest version of the Shopware software and offers numerous new features compared to Shopware 5. Customised Shopware 6 plugin development makes your shop both unique and functional compared to the standard version. Rely on customised plugins that make your service unique. Offer your community and your customers exactly the services they want. We realise your ideas with perfectly implemented technical solutions that function smoothly. Great performance is a matter of course!

What is a Shopware plugin?
How Shopware plugin development works
Have you not found the right Shopware extension among those on offer or would you like an individual solution that will make you stand out from the competition and win your customers' favour? No problem, we fulfil your special wishes and create customised plugins. This is where our plugin development comes in - we work with PHP and other developer languages in the backend so that your store shows the desired results for your customers in the frontend.
Of course, Shopware plugin development is also worthwhile for you if you only want customisations for the processes in the background.
Length of stay increases conversion chance and improves SEO relevance
A key objective when designing an online shop is always to keep visitors on the site for as long as possible and to convert them into customers through a successful presentation of goods and services. A longer dwell time in the shop increases the chance that something will be purchased and contributes to the site being categorised as more relevant by Google.
How can you increase the time spent on a page with a plugin?
There are several ways to encourage your visitors to stay longer with specially programmed extensions. For example, we probably all like to be entertained. This is certainly one of the secrets of social networks such as Instagram, TikTok and the like, which can sell more advertising by increasing the time spent on the platform. So bring more pizzazz to your page with entertaining content and encourage your potential customers to become active at the same time. You can achieve this with small games, for example - this is shopware development that is fun in the truest sense of the word!
Shopware Plugin-Entwicklung:
Darf es etwas mehr Funktion sein?
Nutzen Sie die technischen Möglichkeiten von Shopware in aller Tiefe aus und bieten Sie Ihren Kunden durch einzigartige Plugins den Service, der den Unterschied macht. Bauen Sie eine Community rund um Ihre Marke auf und bleiben Sie mit Ihren Interessenten in Kontakt. Planen Sie attraktive Events und Sonderverkäufe mit angepassten Preisen und halten Sie Ihre User durch Ihren top gepflegten Newsletter auf dem Laufenden. Machen Sie das Hauptmenü, die Kategorien und Artikelseiten attraktiver und lösen Sie Emotionen aus. Sie werden überrascht sein, welche Wirkung solche kleinen Details auf Ihren Erfolg haben. Wir setzen uns mit unserem Know-how und unserer Kreativität für Sie ein!
Übrigens: Auch Social Media spielt bei der Community-Pflege eine große Rolle – vor allem bei kleineren Shops kann eine loyale Community, die regelmäßig die Werbetrommel für Ihr Unternehmen rührt, Gold wert sein. Außerdem sind die sozialen Medien eine weitere Gelegenheit für Sie, im Internet gefunden zu werden. Mit Social Shopping gibt es eine offizielle Shopware 6-Erweiterung für Facebook, Instagram und Pinterest, doch auch andere Kanäle können je nach Zielgruppe relevant sein. Gerne entwickeln wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen Lösungsideen, wie wir die Anbindung zwischen den verschiedenen Touchpoints Ihrer Kunden und dem Shop herstellen oder bei Bedarf optimieren.
Shopware plugins: simply better marketing for our customers
Our new plugins are the direct result of suggestions from our customers. They facilitate effective marketing and provide clear incentives to buy by making products more visible to the user, emotionalising the customer journey with vividly designed listings and creating trust through absolute transparency in the purchasing process. As a certified Shopware partner and part of the community, we offer many of our self-developed plugins in the Shopware Store in consultation with our customers. They are easy to integrate into your existing system, easy to use in the backend and very powerful. This allows you to install your desired Shopware 6 plugin and get up and running quickly. This will make your marketing even more effective in no time!
However, the intelligent search function is very popular Elasticsearch for Shopware 6 and our plugin for SEO content in the listing.
Would you like to make a quick enquiry and receive a detailed quote?
Our account manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible.